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No. of Bed
Low Season
636 US$
High Season
751 US$
Peak Season
809 US$
Price per Night
Our Service
  • Airport transfer by private car, food starter pack, tourist assistance..
  • Villa Details
  • Seminyak,
  • 15 minutes

  • 2000 m² Property Area
  • 515.1 m² Building Area
  • Swimming pool: 14 x 4 m pool
  • 3 Bathrooms
  • Employees
  • Manager : 1
  • Cook : 1
  • House Keeper : 2
  • Gardener : 1
  • Security Guard : 3
  • Facilities

  • Coco Grove is a privately owned 3 bedroom modern minimalist style villa located in the heart of Seminyak just behind the renowned Oberoi Hotel in Bali and just minutes away from the beach. It will take you only around 20 minutes to travel from ad to the international airport, a couple of minutes to the tourist Mecca of Legian/Kuta and only 20 minutes from the island’s pre-eminent signature golf course, the Nirwana Bali Golf Course. The golf course perhaps boasts the most beautiful location of any golf course in the world and has recently been voted one of world’s top ten golf courses.

    The bedrooms and the TV/Study room are fully air-conditioned. The master bedroom offers a Chinese style antique bed with ensuite bathroom and the both guest rooms offer double bed bedrooms with private bathrooms. All rooms have a view to towards the pool and the large open lawn shaded with tall swaying coconut trees.

    Coco Grove has its own in-ground pool tiled with beautiful natural green colour stone tiles. Behind the pool overlooking the entire property is a Balinese bale just perfect for those afternoon naps. Alternatively you can just laze beside the pool on one of the outdoor lounges. Coco Grove is fully serviced with its own staff, including a cook, a maid, gardener, and night time security staff. The staff is at your call for the entire duration of your stay and will cater to your every need.
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